Page 2863 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 15 August 1990

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Mr Jensen: On a point of order, Mr Speaker: that is a collective which I understand is not allowed either.

MR SPEAKER: Make an unconditional withdrawal, please, Mrs Grassby, and save my voice.

Mrs Grassby: I unconditionally withdraw it. They deceived the people of Canberra.

Mr Jensen: Oh, Mr Speaker!

MR SPEAKER: Come on, please, Mr Jensen. Please proceed, Mr Humphries.

MR HUMPHRIES: You know all about deception, Mrs Grassby. You were deceived apparently a few weeks ago, were you not?

Mrs Grassby: No, I have never been deceived.

MR HUMPHRIES: That is what Mr Connolly said. I have the quote here.

Mrs Grassby: No, no, I have never been deceived.

MR HUMPHRIES: I see; you were in the know but Mr Connolly was not? I understand. There are interfactional splits as well.

Mrs Grassby: I always take my hat off to somebody who is just a little bit smarter than I am. I was not deceived.

MR HUMPHRIES: Yes, interfactional splits; I understand that. He is only new, so he has not fully caught on to all the things that go on. That is fair enough. I have indicated pretty clearly that those opposite are hypocrites. They are indicating very clearly that they are prepared to back up the Federal Labor Government when it closes schools, and I say that because they were at the last election handing out how-to-vote cards. They stayed silent, except perhaps in internal party circles, when that Government closed schools. They accepted that that Government had to close schools, by implication, but they now say that we are not entitled to close them. I want to know something from the Opposition.

Mrs Grassby: Mr Speaker, on a point of order: it is irrelevant to the debate. It has nothing to do with what the Federal Government did 18 months or two or three years ago. It is what they are doing now.

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mrs Grassby, please! Relevance, please, Mr Humphries.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Speaker, I argue that it is entirely relevant to suggest that the ALP, the Australian Labor Party, will close schools and that, therefore, it is hypocritical of its members to come forward today and say

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