Page 2861 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 15 August 1990

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He goes on. He said, "We will have a review of Weetangera Primary School". We do not know what the extent or the scope of that review is. I do not know whether it has started or finished, or whether it even occurred. Time and time again with other schools people here know that the arguments put forward are inconsistent. If people had been in the gallery for months as we asked questions they would have heard the answers that we get. Those two answers, as I said, have been, "We have to save money. I will tell you later". What are the justifications? I do not think we will ever get them because they are not there.

Let us get the members of this Government out in front today. This is a crunch time because there are good reasons for many in the community to believe that not all members on that side of the house agree with Mr Humphries. They have been told many times by some members on that side of the house that they do not want to close schools. The sympathetic expressions are there. We had hoped to get their signatures, but it seems that we cannot do that. We can, nevertheless, get their votes. This is the time when some people have to put up or shut up.

Dr Kinloch: Agreed.

MR WOOD: Agreed? Thank you. This is the time when I hope we can still get this Bill on to the statute books in the future. But today let us end any hope that people in the community may have that they have the support of some people in the Government. Let us come down now to the realisation of where people really stand.

Mr Speaker, I will not take up the full time available to me because there are other motions that people want to discuss today. We want this out and settled now. I invite members on this side and, particularly, members opposite to

state where they stand.

MR HUMPHRIES (Minister for Health, Education and the Arts) (11.50): Mr Speaker, we have once again the trotting out of the tired old arguments in this place and I really wonder when we are going to get something new, something original from the Opposition about this matter.

Mr Wood: You are talking! He is talking! The cheek of him!

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Wood!

Mr Wood: You have been away. You have not heard this week after week.

MR HUMPHRIES: We have been sitting for only four days before today, so it hardly amounts to months of debate, as Mr Wood has suggested.

Mr Wood: We started this in March, you may remember.

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