Page 2395 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 7 August 1990

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at least for the one transportable you indicate will be needed - although I guess it will be more than that. I relate all this to the $2m or so you claim you will save - and I have not mentioned buses at this stage. Minister, just what budget savings can you make from school closures this coming year?

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Acting Speaker, I thank Mr Wood for his question, but I have to tell him that the announcement on what extended budget savings will be made from this decision will have to wait until the budget.

Mr Wood: No. You told us you would know when you had indicated which schools would close.

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Acting Speaker, it is obvious to anybody - - -

Mr Wood: You are changing your answer again; you told us you would tell us now.


Mr Wood: Three months ago he told us he would be able to tell us when he announced the schools.

MR ACTING SPEAKER: Order, Mr Wood; let him finish!

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Acting Speaker, I think Mr Wood is getting a little bit emotional about this matter. I think he ought to realise just how difficult the decisions that he and his Government previously avoided are. This Government has faced up to them. The fact of life is that saving money does flow from the consolidation of school moneys. That announcement will come in the budget; it is properly a budget decision and you will see it in the budget. I am not coming into this place announcing budget decisions ahead of time. You have only got a few weeks to wait and I am sure you can sit and simmer in your little pots for another few weeks - it is not very long to wait. This is a budget decision and the announcements will be made then.

Regarding the figures that Mr Wood has quoted to me; I do not think I have, at any stage, put to any public - - -

Mr Wood: It was $450,000 to Pru Goward; that was the figure you used.

MR HUMPHRIES: That was not the figure I believe I used.

Mr Wood: Yes, you did. On the Pru Goward show you said, "$450,000 to refurbish South Curtin".

MR HUMPHRIES: Mr Acting Speaker, could I have some protection from the interjections opposite?


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