Page 2396 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 7 August 1990

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MR HUMPHRIES: The fact is, Mr Acting Speaker - - -

Mr Wood: I was two feet away from you.


MR HUMPHRIES: I recall a different figure: if you want to produce a figure, Mr Wood, you can do that. I certainly have not indicated any other figures for any of those other things that Mr Wood has rattled off. I suspect Mr Wood has some sources somewhere that tell him that all these things will cost this much. If they are typical of Mr Wood's usual sources, I would not think they have very much credibility at all. I am prepared to wait and see what the ultimate figures are before I make any announcements in this place about what those costs and those savings are going to be.

The fact of life is that a number of decisions have to be made before those figures can be fully and properly laid before this Assembly. For example, there are three units that are operational at the South Curtin School that will have to be relocated. A suitable location for those units has to be determined. I could come in here and say, "This one's going there and that one's going there and this one's going here" and make decisions on the run. I am not going to do that. I am going to wait and consult with the organisations concerned and with their clients and come back to this Assembly with properly thought through and properly costed decisions, not before.

MR WOOD: Properly thought through, my goodness! I have a supplementary question, Mr Acting Speaker. What we see, of course, is the total lack of any planning at all. Can I remind you, Minister, that - - -

MR ACTING SPEAKER: Can we have the supplementary question, please, Mr Wood.

MR WOOD: The question is this: day after day in the last session of parliament, you said, "We will tell you these figures" - and it is there in the Hansard - "when we know what schools we are closing". That is what you said, day after day.

MR ACTING SPEAKER: What is your question, Mr Wood?

Mr Collaery: On a point of order, Mr Acting Speaker; there is a matter of public importance for this debate. The rest of the ministry is anxious to receive questions but Mr Wood wishes to utilise question time for debate; I think it is improper.

MR ACTING SPEAKER: I thank you, Deputy Chief Minister. Mr Wood, would you get to the question.

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