Page 2394 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 7 August 1990
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not a sensible idea, particularly given the very large costs entailed in a referendum. Referendums can cost up to a million dollars and I do not think it is a good idea to have one every time a controversial decision has to be made by a government.
In terms of number of signatures, there is no formula that says that a certain number of signatures equals a change of government policy. The appropriate test for our policies as a government will
come on the third Saturday in February 1992 when we go to the electorate. We will put our record before the electorate and see how they respond to it then.
MR STEVENSON: I have a supplementary question, Mr Acting Speaker. In line with the cost of referendums if there is a referendum held on the electoral system would the Minister be prepared to push for school closures to be included in that referendum?
MR HUMPHRIES: You are asking for a matter of opinion, Mr Stevenson.
Mr Stevenson: A matter of action.
MR HUMPHRIES: The Government has no view on whether there should be a simultaneous referendum. It has not discussed this matter. It has been put by you for the first time in today's meeting of the Assembly. I have no opinion on it at this stage and I will - - -
Ms Follett: Just have a guess; you have been guessing all through the schools debate.
MR HUMPHRIES: I have no intention of firing from the hip. In any case, Mr Acting Speaker, the matter is a matter for the Commonwealth. It is not this Government's decision whether there be any simultaneous referendum on ACT matters at the same time as there is a Commonwealth sponsored referendum on electoral systems. It is not up to me, nor, I suspect, this Government, to make a decision about that.
School Closures - Budget Savings
MR WOOD: I direct a question to the Minister for Education. Minister, this question tests your mathematical ability. I use the word "ability" advisedly and I will use predominantly Government figures. I refer to your endless claims that schools have to close to make budget savings this year. Can we begin with your figures of $450,000 to refurbish South Curtin School and $90,000 to relocate the Life Education Centre at Holder; probably a similar amount is needed to relocate the Independent Living Centre at Macquarie, and we will have to add an unspecified, but substantial, cost to relocate the very specialised Theodore Street centre. Add to all this the cost of relocation of two regional directors from South Curtin and add $100,000
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