Page 1753 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 29 May 1990
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A-tfrq a
P= a Tliis --acer sets out the nature of the readers:.:;) be:-»een the Plisse= :Or . -;.-once and Urban Sz-:ces aid as ecudve Decu;.v
2. Background
The basic rtc-re--er for t=a =e? berr:2en VL.iszers a^.d _aecu=:e.
,:)Counties ER the C::E.TN-IL1ISV2rS C.^.rn.cT.e^IS L^ the .552=DLTi on 1-_
D2C°.=G2r 19 I re ..a- These comments higglhz the three basic
Principles Le^_nG the aT=...Tlcr?me_^.LS bar the impotence 0I the role of
me Executive Jepuz:es :.^. -groviding an accidorai source of ad-7ice and
assistance to 1,I:11SVe=S in He exercise of their -NEniszenal authority.
3. E=ecutive Denote
he via :-or =.area arid urban Services has one 7cutive De-o=
-Mrs Room .Naiad. - Business, Tourism. Empiocme_^_L,
T--ans-morz and Rural Marters.
4. Agencies
VCRs classs Subject matter involves trio age_^.c_es which are the dire rssnor_sibi::t: of hue -Vii,=:isrer for Finance and Urban Services:
- Denarr=enr of Urban Services - for Tourism, Transport and
Rural Matte=-s
- Office o= irdus-"7 and Development - for Business and
5. Specific Tasks
Mrs Nolans workload will include the following specific tasks in the immediate future:
- Assist in the development oz the moments proposal for an ACT Tourist Commission
- Liaise with industry and develop polies in relation to programs to as small business
6. Methodology
In under-taking any such specific tasks, Mrs Nolan will faces on:
- The development of detailed policy proposals in accordance with the Alliance Governments policy statements
- Consultation with interested community groups
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