Page 1752 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 29 May 1990

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f) letters which involve important policy initiatives or which may have major political implications or which establish an important precedent - including appointments

g) letters to peak organisations including unions and heads of higher education institutions

h) matters involving the administration or structure of the Ministers portfolio or departments

8. Speeches

Requests to agencies within the Ministers portfolio for the preparation of speeches for the Executive Deputy should be made through the Ministers office in order to assist in the coordinated public presentation of Government policies and programs.

9. Media Statements and Engagements

Similarly, the Executive Deputys media statements should be cleared through the Ministers office. So too should the substance of comments to be made directly to the electronic media. Conversely, Ministerial papers/statements should be passed through the Executive Deputys office.

10. Acknowledgements

The Executive Deputy will, where necessary, sign any

acknowledgements on behalf of the Minister.

13. Form of Letters

The Executive deputy will sign over his own name, eg:

Hector Kinloch

Executive Deputy

Education and the Arts

Minister for Health, Education and the Arts February, 1990


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