Page 1754 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 29 May 1990

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?t would be unappropr-.zze for .Yang Noun to become ==solved u, inter

de Mlle nt.: for =ins, Resoiudon. of =secures between agencies is :core

early handled ac she head of agency fewer or by L^e M::dszer (if She : eel


?. Reporting Process

F or her areas of responsibility the NIrs Nolan, wMI:

- .dorse or policy proposals before then submission. to -1--e %raise:- -or

clearance 0

- Before, progress and developments Do Joinz Par-., =eezings

- Attend appropriate public for-a-ms ;--.clothes those ---.,Evolving discussion between agencies and the community

S. Material provided to the -Minister

To ensure that the Minister is kept adequate:- ir2:-o=ed on all if---- issues, submissions =am agencies to the -=:receive De=ur-, are all to be forwarded to a c4yEnister and slaould be addressed as follows:

Denaraiient of Urban Services

Title of appropriate Program Manager

9. Correspondence

NL= Nolan signs only correspondence replying to Ietters addressed to her.

10. Speeches

Requests to agencies within the Ministers portfolio for the preparation of speeches for Mrs Nolan should be made through the Ministers Office.

11 Media Statements .and Engagements

Mrs Nouns media statements should also be cleared through the Munsters Office. So too should the substance of comments to be made directly to the electronic media.

12. Meetings with Community, Business and Other Groups

The Minister- should also be kept informed of the outcome of discussions held between Mrs Nolan and community, business or mine-- representatives. Where such meetings are attended by an officer from the relevant department he or she should provide the Ministers office with a written record of the meting by COB on the next working day. The same procedure should also apply in relation to meetings between the Winter and such groups.

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