Page 1747 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 29 May 1990
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b. Methcdology
- In undertaking the above tasks, Executive Deputies will focus on:
- the development of detailed policy proposals in accordance with the Alliance Governments policy statements.
- consultation with interested commutator groups.
- guidance and input to inter agency policy development
networks part-cal arty in respect to political
consider a toils imcor tan t to t.^.e Go rumen t.
I t would be inancroloriate for Exec-,it-*;ve Deputies to became involved in inter departmental zlc--ums. Resolute=on Of dis-outes bet-wen agencies is more rrC?erlv handled at t^e head of 7 level or by Minis tees (if -the need arises).
7. Remc=-tincr Process:
- For their respective areas of responsibility,
Executive Deputies would:
- endorse major policy proposals before their submission . to the Chief Minister for clearance,
- report progress and developments to Joint Party meetings,.and
- . attend appropriate public forums including those involving discussion between agencies and the community eg:
- public consultations on planning
- Womens Consultative Committee.
8. Material rove gad to the Chief Minister:
To ensure that the Chief Minister is kept adequately informed on all important issues, copies of minutes or submissions from agencies to Executive Deputies in response to requests for briefings or advice should also be provided to the Chief Minister.
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