Page 1490 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 2 May 1990

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should have been brought up as an issue and discussed at the appropriate opportunity. Mr Duby should be trying to find out why that was not the case and why there was a blatant disregard of the requirements of this Assembly and its committees.

Speaking of blatant disregard, I think it is appropriate for us to note that Mr Duby has blatantly disregarded the Conservation, Heritage and Environment Committee. Recommendation 7 of that committee's report says:

recycling facilities at both landfill sites and Ainslie transfer station be upgraded and access improved.

That talks about recycling facilities, but the clear implication is that the committee understands that the Ainslie Transfer Station should be upgraded and access to it improved. Clearly the understanding is that it will stay. The same applies to recommendations 15 and 26. To verify that we had a media release put out by Dr Kinloch, as chairman of the Conservation, Heritage and Environment Committee. The release is not dated, but I understand it was put out last Friday. It says:

Dr Hector Kinloch, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly's Standing Committee on Conservation, Heritage and Environment, today called on members of the Assembly to be aware that the committee recommends that recycling facilities at both landfill sites and Ainslie Transfer Station be upgraded and access improved.

The committee also recommends the possibility of a special collection bin at Ainslie Transfer Station for organic wastes which can be transferred to composting facilities at landfill.

Dr Kinloch feels that no action should be taken about the Ainslie Transfer Station - "the Tip" - while the committee report is still under consideration in the Assembly. Personally, he hopes the tip will not be closed as this will affect recycling in many North Canberra suburbs.

In addition to that, yesterday in question time Dr Kinloch was asked a question by Mr Wood. The question was something along the lines of whether he could advise the Assembly of any resolution passed by the committee dealing with the Government's decision to close the Ainslie Transfer Station. Dr Kinloch's reply was to the effect that there was no such resolution. Dr Kinloch has misled the Assembly in that statement. I draw your attention, Mr Speaker, to standing order 241 - - -

Mr Jensen: I raise a point of order, Mr Speaker. In relation to standing order 241, I believe that Mr Moore is raising an issue that relates to the proceedings of the committee. He should not be raising that - - -

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