Tuesday, 1 May 1990
Nomination and selection of new member
Petition: Ainslie transfer station
Paper: Ainslie transfer station
Questions without notice:
Ainslie transfer station
Ainslie transfer station
Human rights
Ainslie transfer station
Tuggeranong Parkway - telephones
Schools - vacancy rate
Domestic violence crisis refuge
Asbestos removal
Literacy skills
ACT court system
Proposed review of ACT court system
Ainslie transfer station (Matter of public importance)
Suspension of standing and temporary orders
Suspension of standing and temporary orders
Suspension of standing and temporary orders
Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation - standing committee
Answers to questions:
Government contracts (Question No 120)
Government contracts (Question No 121)
Wednesday, 2 May 1990
Ainslie transfer station
Dog control in the ACT
Police Offences (Amendment) Bill 1990
Questions without notice:
Royal Canberra hospital
Erindale library
Hospital beds
Head lice
Hospital redevelopment
Health promotion fund
Jindalee Nursing Home
Healthy lunch program
Hospital redevelopment
Teaching hospital
Health promotion fund
Publication of the New Citizen
Transition of police and courts to the ACT (Matter of public importance)
Thursday, 3 May 1990
Legal Affairs - standing committee
Social Policy - standing committee
Legal Affairs - standing committee
Social Policy - standing committee
Planning, Development and Infrastructure - standing committee
Stamp Duties and Taxes (Amendment) Bill 1990
Housing Assistance (Amendment) Bill 1990
Pawnbrokers (Amendment) Bill 1990
Second-hand Dealers and Collectors (Amendment) Bill 1990
Questions without notice:
ACT court system
Driveway construction
Law reform
Workers compensation
ACT court system
Sports coordination
ACT police force
Mercury pollution
ACT police force
ACT police force
ACT police force
Gowrie Hostel
Ainslie transfer station
Conservation, Heritage and Environment - standing committee
Redevelopment of the public hospital system and corporatisation of
hospital services supply centre