Page 971 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 27 March 1990

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Mr Moore: On a point of order, Mr Speaker, standing order 213 - - -

MR SPEAKER: Just a minute. One point of order at a time, thank you, Mr Moore.

Mrs Grassby: He was referring to a statement.

Mr Collaery: There is one Speaker here.

MR SPEAKER: Just a moment, Mr Collaery, I am trying to recall what was - - -

Mrs Grassby: He was referring to a statement, Mr Kaine.

Mr Collaery: He was holding a statement. He put the piece of paper down, Mr Speaker, and picked up another one, as he said it.

Mr Berry: I did not say I was referring to a statement. I have a statement.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Berry. Did you quote from the paper you had in your hand? Please stand up.

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, I did not quote from it, word for word.

Mr Kaine: Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Order. Did you quote - - -

Mr Berry: Mr Speaker, I cannot say that I did not use words which were used in a statement that was given to me.

Mr Collaery: Come on, you have done this to me. Table it.

MR SPEAKER: Order, Mr Berry. Did you quote from that document?

Mr Berry: No, I did not quote from the document, but the document holds the information which I reported to this Assembly.

MR SPEAKER: All right. If you did not quote from it, then standing order 213 is not applicable. Your objection is overruled, Mr Collaery.

Mr Collaery: Thank you.

MR SPEAKER: No, I am sorry. I was saying your objection is overruled, Mr Collaery. There was an accusation levelled at the members of the Government and myself by Mr Wood, and followed up by Mr Berry. I believe I should clear the air on this matter.

There was no collusion between myself and members of the Government. The point is that at 8.40 I wrote down here,

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