Tuesday, 27 March 1990
Questions without notice:
Ministerial statements
Royal Canberra Hospital - closure
Public hospital redevelopment
Ageing - committee report
Overseas students - fees
Pine forests
Hospitals - planning
Planning - Dickson
Driving requirements
Hospitals - consultations
Food services
Heritage property - Barton
Legionnaire's disease
Teachers - wages
Community facilities
Health promotion fund
Office development - city
Office of City Management
Downer Community Association
Teachers - wages
Health promotion fund
Neighbourhood schools
National Exhibition Centre Trust
Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation - standing committee
Administration and Procedures - standing committee
Committees - amendments to resolutions of appointment
Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation - standing committee
Legal Affairs - standing committee
Schools Authority - 1988-89 report
Schools Authority - 1988-89 report
Assembly - conduct
Federal election
Assembly - conduct
Pesticides Act 1989
Assembly - conduct
Wednesday, 28 March 1990
Film Censorship Board guidelines
Questions without notice:
Ministerial statements
Royal Canberra Hospital site
Southwells Crossing bridge
ACT Rugby League - Northbourne Oval
Grace Bros site East Row
Schools - parents' contributions
Hospital redevelopment
Hospitals - costs
Hospital redevelopment
Hospitals - nurses' dispute
House fire - asbestos release
Borrowing restrictions
Mr Speaker - party meetings
Industry development - Commonwealth-State arrangements (Ministerial statement)
ACT public health system (Matter of public importance)
Legal Affairs - standing committee - membership
Conservation, Heritage and Environment - standing committee - membership
Thursday, 29 March 1990
Conservation, Heritage and Environment - standing committee
Planning, Development and Infrastructure - standing committee
Needs of the aging - Social Policy - standing committee
Questions without notice:
Hospital redevelopment
Health service access
Non-government schools
Gowrie Hostel site
ACT Rugby League - Northbourne Oval
Obstetric beds
Kaleen North playing fields
Calvary Hospital
Lake Tuggeranong
Griffin Centre site
Preschool task force
Royal Canberra Hospital
Taxi industry
Hill Station homestead
Dickson - redevelopment
Downer Community Association
Budget strategy statement (Ministerial statement)
Cultural activities and facilities - select committee:
Ambulance Service Levy Bill 1990
Long Service Leave (Building and Construction Industry) (Amendment) Bill 1990
Taxation (Administration) (Amendment) Bill (No 2) 1990
Suspension of standing and temporary orders
Hour of sitting and routine of business - Tuesday, 3 April 1990
Assembly business
Assembly legislation
Forum on Canberra
Open government
Assembly - refreshments
Suspension of standing and temporary orders
Assembly business
National wheelchair games
Residents Rally
Tuesday, 3 April 1990
Answers to questions: Public housing waiting lists (Question No 104)