Page 970 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 27 March 1990

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Speaker, but in the circumstances this evening matters must be raised in the course of my comments on the matter.

My view was that warning Mr Whalan was the result of a hair-trigger. I must say that in my view - and I was listening to the debate very closely - his subsequent suspension too, without arguing the relevant positions on the matter, was the result of a hair-trigger. This is worthwhile reflecting on and I think would draw anybody outside this place to the conclusion that there was some reprehensible behaviour in the Assembly.

One other matter which I wish to refer to, if I can do it without interjection, was the matter where Mr Whalan was accused of one thing and another outside the Assembly. My understanding of the matter is that what was alleged to have been said by Mr Whalan when he was standing in the gallery has now resulted in a matter being referred to the Privileges Committee. I have a statement that has been given to me. The statement refers to a witness to the events there, and I will read ... This person entered the public gallery at the completion of the vote to suspend Mr Whalan and took a seat next to a woman. As Mr Whalan left the Assembly this person reports that the woman beside her said twice, clearly and audibly, "Scum".

Mr Whalan passed and this woman - according to the statement that has been given to me - stated loudly, "He is scum". Clearly, Mr Whalan was provoked. I think that again the hair-trigger came into play and members opposite provoked the Speaker into a position which led to matters being referred to the Privileges Committee. This will be embarrassing for the Assembly as issues come to light. I think that at the end of the day reprehensible behaviour by the Government opposite will be proven in the light of events which have taken place in this Assembly, both when Mr Whalan was suspended from this Assembly the first time, and in relation to the events where he was suspended on the second.

MR SPEAKER: Before the Assembly adjourns I believe I should make a statement clearing the matter.

Mr Collaery: Mr Speaker, I wish, under standing order 213, that this house order Mr Berry to table those statements he has just read from.

Mr Berry: I was not reading from the statement. I was referring to the statement.

Mr Collaery: You had it in your hands, Mr Berry.

Mr Berry: No, I did not.

Mr Kaine: Yes, you did, and you just put it in that folder in front of you.

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