Page 1017 - Week 03 - Thursday, 7 April 2022

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Soundness of project budgeting and value of money

Level of community engagement and reach.

ACT Rural Resilience Grants

As published on the website available at

Ensure the project is sound and represents value for money

Demonstrate alignment with management of invasive species (when targeted in year)

Enhances biodiversity, conservation and sustainable agriculture

Matching grant funding with either cash or in-kind contributions.

ACT rural grants

Ensure the project is sound and represents value for money

Enhances biodiversity, conservation and sustainable agriculture

Matching grant funding with either cash or in-kind contributions.

The ACT Government commissioned a review of the ACT Environment Grants in 2019. This review investigated the long-term benefits of the program, including unexpected non-financial benefits such as community building. A copy of this review can be found on the ACT Environmental Grants Program Website.

Copies of previous grant program guidelines related to ACT Environmental Grant Program, ACT Rural Resilience Grants and ACT Rural Grants, that were publicly available during the associated round, are included in Attachment AA.

3. For each grant program referred to in part (1), but excluding non-competitive grant programs that provide generalised financial assistance to individuals or businesses, (a) who received a grant in (i) 2016-17, (ii) 2017-18, (iii) 2018-19, (iv) 2019-20, (v) 2020-21, and (vi) 2021-22, (b) when did the recipient apply for the grant, (c) when did the recipient receive the grant, (d) how much was the grant and (e) did the conditions that attached to the grant prevent (or have the effect of preventing) the recipient making public comment on any issue; if so, how was the recipient prevented from making public comment.

Community Garden Grants (CGG)

a. Please refer the Everyday Climate Choices website for information on grant recipients for all rounds.

b. Each recipient would have applied during the application period during each round, which is usually a 6–8 week period following the official launch of the grant round. Providing specific dates for each application is an unreasonable diversion of resources.

c. Each recipient would have received the grant after the official announcement made by the Minister that their application had been successful. Providing specific dates for grant funding payment is an unreasonable diversion of resources, however it is generally within months of the announcement depending on the community groups timing to have the deed signed.

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