Page 1018 - Week 03 - Thursday, 7 April 2022

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d. Please refer the Everyday Climate Choices website for information on grant funding amount for all rounds.

e. A standard ACT Government Deed of Grant (DoG) agreement is used within the CGG program. This document does not prevent public comment on any specific issue.

ACT environment grant program

EPSDD believes that providing this level of detail will be an unreasonable diversion of resources.

ACT Rural Resilience Grants

EPSDD believes that providing this level of detail will be an unreasonable diversion of resources.

ACT rural grants

EPSDD believes that providing this level of detail will be an unreasonable diversion of resources.

4. Has the portfolio provided a grant that was not provided under one of the programs identified in part (1) in (a) 2016-17, (b) 2017-18, (c) 2018-19, (d) 2019-20, (e) 2020-21, and (f) 2021-22.

Grants are provided to the ACT’s three water catchment groups ($125,000 per group per annum) – Funding is provided to water catchments groups to assist in improving water quality.

Rebates and other subsidies which are not a specific grant, including National On-Farm Emergency Water Infrastructure in 2019-20.

5. For each grant referred to in part (4), (a) who received the grant, (b) how was the recipient of the grant identified, (c) what was the purpose of the grant, (d) when did the person receive the grant, (e) what conditions attached to the grant, (f) did the conditions that attached to the grant prevent (or have the effect of preventing) the recipient making public comment on any issue; if so, how was the recipient prevented from making public comment and (g) how much was the grant.

Refer to the answer for question 4. Providing any other details are an unreasonable diversion of resources.

6. Does the Government report or disclose publicly the recipients of grants and the conditions that attach to those grants.

Community Garden Grants (CGG)

Grants are disclosed as part of the annual report. They are also disclosed on the Everyday Climate Choice website.

ACT environment grant program

Grant recipients are disclosed as part of the EPSDD annual report and on the EPSDD website 2021-22 ACT Environment and Nature in the City Grants - Successful Projects - Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate - Environment.

ACT Rural Resilience Grants

Grant recipients are disclosed as part of the EPSDD annual report and on the EPSDD website 2021-22 ACT Environment and Nature in the City Grants - Successful Projects - Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate - Environment.

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