Page 1016 - Week 03 - Thursday, 7 April 2022

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f. Who decided, approved or rejected the grant applications?

Community Garden Grants (CGG)

The program is run through a competitive grants process. A cross-directorate panel is convened to assess the applications and select the successful projects. The delegate is the Deputy Director-General, Environment, Water and Emissions Reduction.

ACT environment grant program

The program is run through a competitive grants process. A panel is convened to assess the applications and select the successful projects. The delegate is the Deputy Director-General, Environment, Water and Emissions Reduction.

ACT Rural Resilience Grants

The program is run through a competitive grants process. A panel is convened to assess the applications and select the successful projects. The delegate is the Deputy Director-General, Environment, Water and Emissions Reduction.

ACT rural grants

The program is run through a competitive grants process. A panel is convened to assess the applications and select the successful projects. The delegate is the Deputy Director-General, Environment, Water and Emissions Reduction.

g/h. What percentage of the applications were approved/rejected?

EPSDD believes that providing this level of detail will be an unreasonable diversion of resources; all grant programs are over subscribed.

i. What criteria, policies, guidelines applied to the program?

Community Garden Grants (CGG)

As published on the website available at

Guidelines for applicants for 2021-22 are available at

Align with the funding priorities

Demonstrate sound project planning, including achievable milestones, timelines, and project outcomes

Establish that the project is feasible and represents good value for money

Demonstrate relevant stakeholder and community support.

ACT environment grant program

As published on the website available at

Alignment with funding priorities

Feasibility and effectiveness

Demonstrate sound project planning

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