Page 2571 - Week 07 - Thursday, 3 August 2017

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Any records pertaining to the Supreme Court and Magistrates Court prior to December 2015 would reside with ACT Property Group who managed the facility prior to that time. Earlier this year, a national announcement from Eaton Circuit Breakers came out advising of a faulty Residual Current Device (RCD) protected circuit breakers.

Six of the seven sites are completed with the remaining site, Fyshwick Fire & Rescue station scheduled for completion in the coming months, being delayed by the site undergoing Privacy and Dignity upgrades as part of an approved Capital Works Initiative.

Records pertaining to the Magistrates Court prior to December 2015 reside with ACT Property Group as the previous custodian. Earlier this year, a national announcement from Eaton Circuit Breakers came out advising of faulty RCD protected circuit breakers.

(b) 2014/15 saw the commencement of an electrical maintenance contract at ACT Policing sites, which included auditing and regular inspection of distribution boards (DB). Initial audit costs including DB inspections $115,000 RCD circuit breakers across the ACT Policing sites were tested and replaced where necessary. Estimated cost $6,000. No major faults occurred or were identified during routine monthly and annual maintenance inspections. RCD circuit breaker testing identified faulty circuit breakers which were replaced shortly after the time of test as part of maintenance responsibilities.

(c) Since December 2015 the Supreme Court has been identified having two boards with affected circuit breakers. Eaton were advised of the situation and we were told that the circuit breakers would be replaced at nil cost. Eaton provided ELQ Reference No: 1-9909115065 and we await further advice on rectification process. No major faults identified with ESA sites. RCD circuit breaker testing identified faulty circuit breakers across various ACT Policing sites which were replaced shortly after the time of test as part of maintenance responsibilities.

(d) During May 2017 the ESA requested that Capital Works and Infrastructure (CWI) conduct another procurement process to audit all remaining sites. To date no major faults occurred or were identified during routine monthly and annual maintenance inspections. RCD circuit breaker testing identified faulty circuit breakers across various ACT Policing sites which were replaced shortly after the time of test as part of maintenance responsibilities.

(2) Records pertaining to the Magistrates Court prior to December 2015 reside with ACT Property Group as the previous custodian. During 2016/2017 works commenced on replacement of fifteen distribution boards as part of backlog works to meet BCA requirements for the new facility. This work is due for completion by November 2017.

Switchboards in buildings under the custodianship of the ACT Emergency Services Agency were compliant at time of installation and have a maintenance program in place to maintain the integrity of the switchboards. However, the ECOWISE audit identified noncompliance issues that have been addressed through contract management and the procurement process for rectification works.

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