Page 2570 - Week 07 - Thursday, 3 August 2017

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(3) Yes – when refurbishment works occur that are covered under the specifications of the Building Code of Australia, switchboards are upgraded accordingly. However if the building works do not involve work on the Main Switchboard (MBS), then there is no requirement to upgrade it to the prevailing standards. However if the building works involve replacement of the MSB, then the new MSB is required to comply with the applicable Australian Standards in force at the time of the work. Where the building works only require the MSB to be extended, only the extended part needs to comply with the prevailing Australian standard as long as the new work does not impact on the existing electrical installation’s compliance.

(4) For those buildings under the management of Territory Venues and ACT Property Group a program of thermal imaging of all switchboards is carried out. All major load centres are checked annually. The nature of the testing is invasive, in that an ACT Property Group’s licensed electrician removes the escutcheon panels to reveal the electrical chassis and associated switchgear (circuit breakers). The electrician will identify any issues with the equipment and any minor problems are rectified during the inspection. A report is produced and any additional work will be planned and dealt with in a timely manner.

Cultural Facilities Corporation does not undertake annual thermal imaging for the smaller type distribution boards.

Maintenance for electrical switchboards to Active Canberra buildings/facilities is undertaken as required. Switchboards are regularly checked by electricians contracted to the venues.

Maintenance to Territory Venues is undertaken as required and includes thermal image inspections.

Venues Canberra maintenance contracts include the provision of electrical services. However, the scope of the contracts are much broader than the maintenance of switchboards. No switchboard maintenance costs are separately identified.

(5) Please refer to question 4 above.

(6) There are no contracts required in regard to the inspections of switchboards as detailed above as this work is conducted by an ACT Property Group officer who is a designated electrical tester, licenced electrician and has undergone an accredited training course.

(7) The contents of the ACT’s Critical Infrastructure Register are classified and I am therefore unable to release this information publicly.


The ACT Governments owned buildings and facilities are managed either by the ACT Property Group which is a business unit in the Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate (CMTEDD) or, in certain cases, by individual Directorates. As such, this response is grouped by ACT Directorate with the following response provided by Justice and Community Safety Directorate for those assets under their custodianship.

(1) The Infrastructure Register is classified and I am therefore unable to release this information publicly.

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