Page 1785 - Week 05 - Thursday, 11 May 2017

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Proposed new clause 43 (aa), (ab) and (ac)

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(aa) to promote the statement of expectations; and

(ab) to implement the statement of operational intent; and

(ac) to make arrangements about the conduct and operation of the agency board; and


Proposed new clauses 43A and 43B

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43AMinisterial statement of expectations for agency

(1) The Minister must, at least once every 12 months—

(a) make a statement setting out the government’s requirements and priorities in relation to suburban development and urban renewal, other than in an urban renewal precinct (a statement of expectations); and

(b) give the statement of expectations to the agency board.

(2) The statement of expectations may include any information the Minister believes will assist the agency board to implement the statement of expectations.

(3) A statement of expectations is a notifiable instrument.

Note A notifiable instrument must be notified under the Legislation Act.

43BAgency’s statement of operational intent

(1) Within 60 days after the day the Minister gives the statement of expectations to the agency board, the agency board must give the Minister a draft statement of response setting out how the agency board will give effect to the statement of expectations (a statement of operational intent).

(2) The draft statement of operational intent may refer to a matter covered in the statement of intent for the agency prepared under the Financial Management Act 1996, section 61.

(3) The Minister must, within 30 days after the day the Minister receives a draft statement of operational intent—

(a) approve the draft statement; or

(b) reject the draft statement; or

(c) approve the draft statement with conditions.

(4) An approved statement of operational intent is a notifiable instrument.

Note  A notifiable instrument must be notified under the Legislation Act.

(5) If the Minister rejects a draft statement of operational intent, the agency board must, within 30 days after the day the draft statement is rejected, give the Minister a revised draft statement of operational intent.


Proposed new clause 43C

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