Page 136 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 14 December 2016

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(b) the ACT greyhound racing industry’s close links with the NSW greyhound racing industry through both regulation and participation;

(c) The Canberra Times’ coverage of the deaths of at least three greyhounds due to injuries sustained while racing in the ACT this year; and

(d) the ending of ACT Government subsidies to the ACT greyhound racing industry at the conclusion of the current MOU and taking transition steps to end the operation of the industry in the ACT are commitments within the Parliamentary Agreement;

(2) recognises the Government’s commitment to:

(a) actively supporting affected workers during this transition including through support to retrain;

(b) achieving the best possible animal welfare outcomes for the dogs involved; and

(c) working positively and collaboratively with people in the ACT greyhound industry as we transition to ending the operation of the industry in the ACT.”.

The government, through the parliamentary agreement, has committed to end government subsidies for greyhound racing at the expiry of the current MOU that it has with the ACT racing industry, which includes the greyhound racing industry. The government has also committed to take active steps to transition to end the operation of greyhound racing in the ACT, including supporting affected workers and putting in place the best possible animal welfare measures for the dogs involved.

This reflects the government’s deep concern at the findings of the New South Wales special commission of inquiry into greyhound racing in that state, as well as the clear implications for greyhound racing in the ACT.

Prior to the election the Chief Minister was very clear that $1 million per year in public funding for the ACT greyhound racing industry would end when the current MOU with the racing code ends on 30 June 2017. The government does not believe that it is appropriate any longer for $1 million of taxpayers’ money every year to be given to this industry. In fact the government believes that ending this funding is in line with ACT community expectations and was clearly endorsed by the people of Canberra in this year’s election.

Of course, we recognise that for those directly involved in greyhound racing in the ACT ending the operation of the industry here will have a significant personal impact. That is why we want to work closely with the industry on the timing of this transition and the details of the support package to manage both the animal welfare issues and to assist those transitioning out of the industry.

I will be meeting with representatives of the ACT Greyhound Racing Club next week to begin what I believe and what I hope will be a collaborative working relationship. I

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