Page 135 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 14 December 2016

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We all know that if proper process was followed for this sport, which is loved by battlers from the suburbs—by the people who just do not quite fit into the Chief Minister’s vision for the coolest little capital because they do not sip lattes in Braddon, they do not wear designer spectacles and have hipster haircuts—and if we gave the Canberra greyhound industry the right to natural justice, they would survive because there is no clear reason why any elected official could bring about their demise. When did the Labor Party become so elitist? When did they make the call to abandon their roots?

The Canberra Greyhound Racing Club has clearly stated its commitment to animal welfare and is seeking to upgrade its standards even further by, for example, the installation of additional security cameras to ensure no illegal activities can take place on this site, strengthening compliance measures, providing events for older and slower dogs, the replacement of track padding to enhance animal safety, and several other measures. In this regard, I seek leave to table the Canberra Greyhound Racing Club’s current welfare strategy to place on the public record this industry’s commitment to animal welfare within its area of activity.

Leave granted.

MR PARTON: I table the following paper:

Canberra Greyhound Racing Club—Board of Management—Welfare Strategy—November 2015.

The ACT greyhound racing industry has demonstrated its willingness to respond, adapt, improve, innovate and, most importantly, comply and be transparent in regard to that compliance. All it asks for is a fair go and a fair hearing and not to be condemned in the way it has been. There are people’s livelihoods at stake, and the future of a longstanding sporting body in its entirety is at risk from prejudice. Even a former minister is reported as saying there is nothing wrong.

In conclusion, I ask of this Assembly: are we going to forcibly deny the ACT greyhound racing industry an entitlement to natural justice, arbitrarily condemn this valued body, condone and compel the demise of a legitimate and valued community organisation?

MR RAMSAY (Ginninderra—Attorney-General, Minister for Regulatory Services, Minister for the Arts and Community Events and Minister for Veterans and Seniors) (11.58): The government will not be supporting the motion moved by Mr Parton. I move the amendment to the motion that has been circulated in my name:

Omit all words after “Assembly” first occurring, substitute:

“(1) notes:

(a) the NSW Government’s Special Commission of Inquiry into the Greyhound Racing Industry, and the resulting McHugh Report which details widespread animal cruelty in the NSW greyhound racing industry;

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