Page 3218 - Week 10 - Thursday, 25 September 2014

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(c) become or is acting as a member of a federal, state or territory political party executive or administrative committee, or similar.

Maintaining accuracy of the Register

In addition to providing notification of changes in registered details, a registered lobbyist is required to provide the Clerk with a quarterly return, within 10 working days of 31 March, 30 June, 30 September and 31 December in each year, which return is required to:

(1) confirm that their registered details are accurate; and

(2) update the listing of each person or entity on whose behalf lobbying has been conducted in the preceding 12 months, whether or not for reward.

Registration decisions

(1) The Clerk is precluded from placing on the Register a lobbyist or authorised person who has not provided all required documents.

(2) The Clerk is also:

(a) empowered to deny registration where he or she believes that registration documents provided are false or misleading;

(b) empowered to remove from the Register any currently registered lobbyist or authorised person who the Clerk considers has since become ineligible for registration;

(c) empowered to remove from the Register any lobbyist or authorised person who the Clerk considers has acted in contravention of the ACT Lobbying Code of Conduct unless satisfied that the contravention was unintentional and that adequate steps have been implemented to render any further contravention unlikely;

(d) required to remove from the Register any lobbyist or authorised person who, once registered, does not provide all required change notification or confirmation documents; and

(e) has a general discretion to refuse (or remove) registration of an otherwise eligible lobbyist or person authorised to lobby on their behalf where the registering authority considers that there are reasonable grounds to believe that that lobbyist or person has acted, or cannot be relied upon to act, in a manner consistent with general standards of ethical behaviour.

(3) Before exercising any of these listed powers, the Clerk is required to offer the lobbyist and any authorised person in question a reasonable opportunity to make a submission in relation to the proposed decision and should be required to have regard to any submission made before taking a final decision.

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