Page 3217 - Week 10 - Thursday, 25 September 2014

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(d) name and address of each director of the company;

(e) name and address of any entity or other person holding 10% or more of the issued capital of the company;

(f) name and contact details for company officer principally responsible for registration;

(g) ACN/ABN of company;

(h) full name of any person authorised to conduct lobbying activity on behalf of the company;

(i) for each director and any other named person, place of and title in previous public sector employment and date of separation;

(j) name and address of each client on whose behalf lobbying activity is, or may be, conducted; and

(k) name and address of each person or entity on whose behalf lobbying has been conducted in the preceding 12 months, whether or not for reward.

Registration Forms

In addition to providing the information required to be shown on the public ACT Register of Lobbyists, applications for registration must declare on the Registration Form that he or she:

(1) has never been sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 30 months or more;

(2) has not been convicted, as an adult, in the last 10 years, of an offence, one element of which involves dishonesty, such as theft or fraud;

(3) is not and does not act as a member of a federal, state or territory political party executive or administrative committee, or similar; and

(4) gives an undertaking to comply with the ACT Lobbying Code of Conduct, separately signed by each person whose name will appear on the Register.

Changes to registered details

(1) A registered lobbyist is required to advise the Clerk of any change to any detail appearing on the public register within 10 days of that change occurring.

(2) A registered lobbyist is additionally required to advise the Clerk within 10 days of becoming aware that any person named on the Register has:

(a) been sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 30 months or more;

(b) been convicted of an offence, one element of which involves dishonesty, such as theft or fraud; or

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