Page 3426 - Week 08 - Thursday, 23 August 2012

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management, strategic procurement, strategic supply management, and tenancy and asset management; systems reporting, including accreditation support, branch culture change support, branch support, records management, business continuity planning, and mailroom services and sustainability.

Under the Executive Director, Performance and Innovation, Phil Ghirardello, are innovation and redesign, including project support office and access improvement program; health performance, including health economics, data collation and analysis, and information and management services; clinical services improvement, including early recognition of the deteriorating patient project, ICU and ED networks, and elective surgery access.

Under the Chief Health Officer, Population Health, Dr Paul Kelly—and I would thank him very much for his work; again, he is an individual I have had some dealings with—are chief health officer, executive office, health promotion, epidemiology, cervical screening reporting program, and health protection services.

Under the Executive Director, Quality and Safety Unit, Elizabeth Trickett, are clinical audit, clinical audit committee, incident management, clinical review, accreditation coordination, clinical policy, Coroner’s Office liaison, territory-wide reference groups, national projects/Australian commission, open disclosure, consumer engagement, medico-legal coordination, health technology assessment committee, occupational medicine unit, injury prevention service, and dangerous substances coordination.

Under the Chief Finance Officer, Financial Management, Ron Foster, are financial management; insurance and legal liaison, including medico-legal claims coordination; revenue and financial services; and financial operations support unit.

Under the Deputy Director, Canberra Hospital and Health Services, Lee Martin, who I understand is on leave for health reasons, are operational support, with the Executive Director, Nursing and Midwifery, Susan Aitkenhead, who I believe has returned to the UK; the Executive Director, Medical Services, Dr Robert Griffin; and the Director of Acute Support Services, Jane Gunning. Also under Lee Martin is the Executive Director, Division of Surgery and Oral Health, Barbara Reid, and under her are community dental health program; ophthalmology; medical imaging; surgical inpatient units, including wards 11B, 10A, 9A, 9B and 6B; pre-operative and pain management services, including anaesthetics, operating theatres, post-operative recovery suite, acute pain management unit, surgical OP services, surgical bookings, pre-admission clinic, and registrar review clinic; and academic unit of surgery.

Under the Executive Director, Division of Women, Youth and Children, Elizabeth Chatham, are women and babies, including the delivery suite, antenatal OP, gynaecology OP, postnatal IP, antenatal IP, gynaecology IP, Canberra midwifery program, centre for newborn care, neonatal parent support program, newborn hearing screening program, and diabetes and endocrinology in pregnancy services; community-based services, including CARHU, caring for kids, early childhood, community paediatricians, allied health, women’s health, and youth health; paediatrics, including paediatric surgery, genetics, paediatric day stay, paediatric IP, adolescent IP, paediatric OP, and paediatric diabetes service.

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