Page 3425 - Week 08 - Thursday, 23 August 2012

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Greens’ spokesperson, about the very high quality of staff that we have across our health system, both the medical and the administrative staff, and the tremendous work that they do.

I note in particular a number of the staff in the areas that do such good work on behalf of our community. I start at the top, with my acknowledgement of the Director-General, Dr Peggy Brown, and other staff at the top of the executive, including the Director of DonateLife ACT, Dr Imogen Mitchell; the manager of the Canberra Hospital Foundation, Moira Lye; the Director, Executive Coordination, Janelle Wheatley; the Director, Communications and Marketing, Hasna Scheding; and the Internal Audit and Risk Manager, Sarwan Kumar.

Underneath the Deputy Director, Strategy and Corporate, Ian Thompson, are a number of areas. It is a weighty responsibility, and I have certainly acknowledged Ian Thompson’s dedication and hard work over the years and his wry sense of humour when dealing with the numerous opposition questions in estimates and so on. Under him, in professional leadership, research and education are the Chief Nurse, Veronica Croome; the Principal Medical Adviser, Professor Frank Bowden; and the Allied Health Adviser, Karen Murphy. They oversee student placement unit, medical and dental professional standards unit, including CPC and MD/AC, GP adviser, research office, clinical trials, academic unit of general practice, school of general practice, rural and Indigenous health, and school of clinical medicine, including the ACT Health library.

Under the Chief Information Officer, E-health and Clinical Records, Judy Redmond, are clinical records, e-health strategic planning and NETA and national e-health initiatives and e-health projects, including clinical systems, support systems, digital health, infrastructure and ACTHEIM. Under the Executive Director, Service and Capital Planning, Grant Carey-Ide, are redevelopment unit, capital asset development plan, and health services planning unit. Under the Executive Director, People, Strategy and Services, Judi Childs, are human resource operations, workforce policy and planning, workplace relations, organisational development, and case management and staff development unit, including manual handling training and PART.

Under the Executive Director, Policy and Government Relations, Ross O’Donoughue—another individual whom I have had many dealings with and would thank personally for his hard work over the past four years—are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy, including the APTSRH Indigenous project; aged and community care policy; alcohol and other drug policy; community and health policy, including breastfeeding implementation and children’s plan officer; mental health policy; primary healthcare policy; NGO funding; and government relations.

Under the Executive Director, Business and Infrastructure, Rosemary Kennedy, are infrastructure support, including engineering services, food services, property management and maintenance, and domestic and environmental services; client services, security and emergency, including security services, fire and emergency, transport, communications, and residential accommodation volunteer services; business support, including biomedical, engineering, medical physics, medical technology systems, sterilising services; strategic support, including strategic asset

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