Page 2885 - Week 07 - Thursday, 7 June 2012

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official visitors established under the Children and Young People Act, the Mental Health (Treatment and Care) Act and the Corrections Management Act, as these offices have detailed reporting requirements under their establishing legislation and neither government accountability nor public interest is enhanced by requiring these offices to prepare an annual report;

Nominal Defendant, as this is not a tangible entity and only manifests if an action is brought against the Registrar-General under section 155 of the Land Titles Act or against the Australian Capital Territory Insurance Authority under the Road Transport (Third-Party Insurance) Act, and any relevant reporting can be done through annual reports of the agencies which administer these pieces of legislation;

Rhodium Asset Solutions, as it no longer exists;

Shared Services, as it is a part of the Treasury Directorate;

superannuation provision account and territory banking account, as they are banking accounts rather than entities and the Treasury Directorate can report on them under its annual report; and

home loan portfolio, human research ethics committee and land and property joint ventures, as they are not established under legislation.

Within the body of the annual report directions, minor and technical amendments have been made. Structurally, amendments have been made to section 1 to consolidate clauses with each other, and to incorporate matters previously covered in attachments that were better situated in the introductory sections. Clauses in section C have been reordered so that like reporting topics are together—for example, environmental reporting requirements have been grouped and social demographic reporting requirements have been grouped.

Agreed reporting requirements have been introduced. Specifically:

C.15 has been amended to reflect the Legislative Assembly motion of 29 June 2011 to create stronger requirements for government agencies to follow social procurement guidelines, including having to report on social procurement outcomes in their annual reports.

C.20, “Climate change and greenhouse gas reduction policies and programs”, has been introduced because of reporting requirement under the Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act 2010.

C.26, “Notices of non-compliance”, has been introduced because of reporting requirements under the Dangerous Substances Act 2004, section 200.

In attachment 2, specific reporting requirements have been introduced to assist reporting agencies with identifying reporting requirements that apply exclusively to them.

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