Page 2884 - Week 07 - Thursday, 7 June 2012

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Under section 16, as Chief Minister I may declare that an entity established under an act is a public authority, and is therefore required to prepare an annual report. As a general change to this declaration, where a statutory office holder is the head of an entity, and either the statutory office holder or the entity is suitable for declaration under section 16, the statutory office holder will be nominated, to align better with the concept of a director-general’s annual report under the annual report act, section 5.

I have declared the following entities to be public authorities under the annual reports act for the first time:

ACT Construction Occupations Registrar;

ACT Teacher Quality Institute;

ACT Compulsory Third-Party Insurance Regulator;

Care Coordinator;

Magistrates Court Registrar;

Clerk of the Legislative Assembly;

Domestic Violence Project Coordinator;

Emergency Services Commissioner; and

Solicitor-General for the territory.

Some of these entity’s annual reports will be annexed to, subsumed in or combined with the annual report of an administrative unit.

The following entities have been omitted from the declaration:

administrative units, the Commissioner for Public Administration and territory instrumentalities, as they are already required to prepare an annual report under the act;

ACTION, as the establishing legislation was repealed in 2006—information about ACTION will be contained in the Territory and Municipal Services Directorate annual report;

COLA advisory boards, as information about each board will be provided by the ACT Construction Occupations Registrar;

Dental Technicians and Dental Prosthetists Registration Board, as the establishing legislation was repealed in 2007;

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