Page 2557 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 5 June 2012

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(iii) whether funding and resources promised for 2012-2013 and beyond, together with the associated service delivery strategies are likely to result in outcomes that benefit children and young people engaged in the care and protection system;

(d) consider any other matters relating to the care and protection of children and young people in the ACT; and

(e) make findings and recommendations in relation to the above and develop an implementation plan, including an indicative timeline.

Mr Speaker, this is a most serious motion that we bring here today. In 2004 the then Commissioner for Public Administration, Cheryl Vardon, delivered to the government the report on her review of the safety of children in care in the ACT and of ACT child protection management. The report was entitled The territory as parent. It was a damning report running to over 200 pages. The report showed:

… there are consequences for children from a statutory system which has been failing, staff with workloads that simply could not be met, adversarial attitudes between people meant to be working together for children and high staff turnover …

In its response the government agreed to all of the 47 recommendations made in the Vardon report. A few of these were in-principle agreement; only one recommendation drew part agreement. The then Chief Minister’s tabling statement noted that the report:

… provides greater detail and clarity about children and young people in care in the ACT, particularly indigenous children and young people, than previously known.

The Chief Minister went on to say:

It is evident there have been systemic and administrative problems. Contributing factors include growing workloads, mandatory reporting, new legislation, changes to service arrangements and staff changes.

The Chief Minister gave us reassuring words in his response. He talked about new funding; review teams; reform; a new office of children, youth and family support; and a new commitment. Indeed, in the two-page tabling statement the word “commitment” was used no less than five times. In commending the Vardon report to the Assembly, the Chief Minister concluded:

The way forward is challenging. The government accepts and embraces these challenges. Our commitment to reform will focus on the needs of children and young people at risk in our community.

Unfortunately, in the eight years since the Vardon report was delivered to government, these words of the Chief Minster have proven to be empty.

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