Page 2556 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 5 June 2012

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(j) the abject failure of the Minister for Community Services to remedy these matters;

(2) expresses a want of confidence in the Minister for Community Services; and

(3) calls on the Chief Minister to establish immediately an inquiry under the Inquiries Act 1991 to inquire into the child care and protection service under the following terms of reference:

(a) in relation to the findings and recommendations of the 2004 Vardon Report, review:

(i) the Government’s response; and

(ii) the progress made to implement the recommendations, including but not limited to:

(A) what funding and other resources were allocated in response; and

(B) how efficiently and effectively those funds and resources were used to deliver outcomes that benefit children and young people in the care and protection system;

(b) in relation to the findings and recommendations of the interim report of the ACT Public Advocate, released in October 2011 and the final report, released in May 2012, review:

(i) the Government’s responses to both reports; and

(ii) the progress made to implement the recommendations of both reports, including but not limited to:

(A) what funding and other resources were allocated in response; and

(B) how efficiently and effectively those funds and resources were used to deliver outcomes that benefit children and young people in the care and protection system;

(c) investigate the policies, procedures and practices of the Community Services Directorate to identify:

(i) where those policies, procedures and practices fail to fulfil the statutory obligations of the Children and Young People Act 2008;

(ii) whether overall budgetary funding and resources provided since 2004 have been and are an adequate foundation for the efficient and effective operation of those policies, procedures and practices so as to deliver outcomes that benefit children and young people engaged in the care and protection system; and

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