Page 1382 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 28 March 2012

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intergovernmental agreement. The agreement acknowledges that the overall objective of the centenary activity is to engage communities around Australia in the celebration of the establishment of the national capital. Let us acknowledge that. It is about the celebration of the capital. If you get into the agreement you see this:

This Agreement is made in the following context:

A. The centenary of the establishment of Canberra as the national capital of Australia occurs on 12 March 2013 …

B. The parties are committed to supporting the celebration of this nationally significant anniversary and providing an opportunity for all Australians to celebrate.

Part 2 goes on:

The parties acknowledge that the overall objective of the Centenary activities is to engage communities around Australia, including residents of Canberra, in the celebration of the Centenary of Canberra as the national capital of Australia.

In many ways this government are to be congratulated on the early start and their commitment in terms of funding to it—it is the federal government that is letting us down, and it is the federal government’s lack of contribution that has led to some of the uncertainty and, indeed, to the late publication—because we still have not got it yet—of the full program. It is important that we get it right. It is not just a celebration of where we live; it is a celebration of our nation’s national capital, and it is important that it be funded in that way.

I seek leave to move the amendments circulated in my name together.

Leave granted.

MR SMYTH: I move:

(1) Omit subparagraph (1)(f) and rename existing subparagraphs (a) to (e) as (b) to (f).

(2) Insert new subparagraphs (1)(a), (g) and (h):

“(a) the national significance of celebrating the foundation of the centenary of Australia’s capital city;”.

“(g) the failure of the Federal Government to match on a dollar-for-dollar basis the funds committed by the ACT Government to programs planned for the Centenary celebrations in 2013;”.

“(h) the Federal Government’s commitment of $20 million in capital funding for the Arboretum.”.

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