Page 1381 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 28 March 2012

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Those two paragraphs should be of great concern to anybody in Canberra. Let us go through it again:

Today I commit the Commonwealth to continuing to build and grow the nation’s capital …

Really, in the last four or five years since we have had a Labor federal government, there has been very little in real terms that we have seen in the building and growing of the nation’s capital. In fact, in most budgets we have missed out completely on funding, and it is only recently that we have managed to get the money for the Majura parkway.

“I continue to commit the commonwealth to building its cultural institutions.” The cultural institutions have suffered; their funding has gone backwards; they have suffered cuts. They are struggling to perform their statutory obligations let alone the things that they would do that might enhance tourism to the ACT and enhance the visit of all Australian and international visitors to Canberra. “And continue its role as the focus of ceremonial, parliamentary and national leadership.”

Now, the next paragraph:

I commit to Canberra remaining the heart of the Australian Public Service …

Well, we have seen agencies that should be here go interstate. We see functions of various agencies that are here being moved interstate. And we see the cuts that they are going about surreptitiously, as we all know.

The speech then goes on to say:

Canberra is a success; our collective success over ten decades.

And it deserves to be celebrated.

That is true. How about the federal government contribute in a meaningful way and an appropriate way to funding to make it a success? The Prime Minister goes on to say:

What we are really celebrating, in a sense, is our ability as a nation and a people to get things right.

We agree. Make sure you contribute appropriately, Prime Minister. She then goes on to say:

So I want this to be a celebration of Canberra as our capital.

That, members, is a federal responsibility. Today I think it is fair to say the federal government is dragging the chain.

It is appropriate to note that the government signed on 12 December 2008 an agreement with the commonwealth government called the centenary of Canberra

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