Page 1304 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 27 March 2012

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MS GALLAGHER: The other sections are important updates on new schools, on the health infrastructure program and how that is going, on all the work that is being done in the Housing and Community Services portfolio, on the important work that is being done about transport for Canberra.

The feedback I have had so far has been that the newsletter has been really well received. I think it is an important way of getting information to the community in a convenient way, particularly for those who do not follow the goings-on in the Assembly as closely as others.

MS PORTER: A supplementary, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Ms Porter, you have the floor.

MS PORTER: Chief Minister, does the “Our city, our community” newsletter represent good value for money?

MS GALLAGHER: Certainly, in my view, I think it does provide good value for money. It comes in in the order of $80,000; $80,000 to be letterboxed to every house in Canberra with this level of information I think is money well spent. We know that the community want more information. We know that some people do not want to get it online, or they do not have access to the internet. They may not follow as closely the debates in this place. I think the independent reviewer’s comments and, indeed, the professionalism of getting this document into the shape it should be in means that it is a very factual document. It is not big on politics. I know the Liberal Party will want to say that. In fact, there are no politics in it. There is just simply the business of government—the day-to-day business of government.

Mr Smyth interjecting—

MS GALLAGHER: Someone provided me with a copy of one of your last periodicals when you were minister, Mr Smyth. In one of them you are the clue in a crossword. I could not believe that. In two questions you actually are. One across: “ACT minister for housing”. Then you had to write out Brendan Smyth’s name.

Mrs Dunne: On a point of order, Mr Speaker—

MR SPEAKER: Order, Ms Gallagher. One moment, thank you. Stop the clocks.

MS GALLAGHER: But it gets better: seven across is—

Mrs Dunne: On a point of order, Mr Speaker—

MR SPEAKER: Mrs Dunne, you do not need to shout at me. I did hear you.

Mrs Dunne: I know that you can hear me, but the Chief Minister is ignoring the forms of the house. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the question was about the government’s newsletter. Mr Smyth’s newsletter of 10 years or 11 years is irrelevant to the matter.

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