Page 1303 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 27 March 2012

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point in time this is an annual summary to update the community on those improvement projects and initiatives in the ACT.

MR SPEAKER: A supplementary, Mr Hargreaves.

MR HARGREAVES: Chief Minister, can you tell us what sort of information is contained in this year’s community newsletter and possibly—

Opposition members interjecting—

MR HARGREAVES: Shall I start again, Mr Speaker?

MR SPEAKER: Thank you, members. We will hear Mr Hargreaves’s question in silence.

MR HARGREAVES: Chief Minister, can you tell us what sort of information is contained in this year’s community newsletter and what sort of mediums or media may have been employed within that newsletter?

Mr Seselja: What does it say about the dam?

MS GALLAGHER: I am very happy to start with the dam, as the Liberal Party has been consistently interjecting about it since question time started. There is a part in the newsletter on the dam. It gives important information around the project, the fact that its wall is well underway. It certainly does not say it was well underwater, but I think the rest of the community have probably understood that. They have followed the developments at the Cotter Dam over the last few weeks, and indeed since the rain came. It also gives some very factual information about the capacity of the new Cotter Dam. Of course I think those opposite seem to be somewhat enjoying the fact that the dam is over budget because of some of those issues.

Opposition members interjecting

MS GALLAGHER: There is water security for the ACT community for the long term and you are enjoying the fact that it is over budget. Let us just get that straight now. That is what you are enjoying—the fact that it is over budget, the fact that it has been plagued by rain delays. You could not be happier, could you? You are all sitting there, laughing and smiling.

Opposition members interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Order! Ms Gallagher, let us focus on the question you were asked, thank you.

MS GALLAGHER: Thank you, Mr Speaker; I will. But laughing and smiling at the fact that—

MR SPEAKER: Order, Ms Gallagher!

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