Page 975 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 21 March 2012

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cheap debating point is beyond you—even when we are in agreement. Even when we are in agreement you will seek to score a cheap debating point.

Mr Seselja interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Mr Seselja, thank you.

MR BARR: Mr Speaker, in closing, and I should not have been distracted by the interjections of the Leader of the Opposition, the government has put in place many programs to support our small and medium enterprises, including small and family businesses. We are committed to continuing our support for the sector. We will continue to see the sector grow and develop; I am certain of that. The recent data certainly indicates a robust small and family business sector within the territory. That is very pleasing to see and we look forward to that growth continuing. The government looks forward to assisting where we can and, indeed, heeding the message that sometimes the best way the government can assist is to get out of the way.

I seek leave to move the amendments circulated in my name together.

Leave granted.

MR BARR: I move the amendments circulated in my name:

(1) Insert new subparagraphs (1)(d) and (e):

“(d) acknowledges the many ACT Government programs supporting small and medium businesses, including family businesses such as Canberra BusinessPoint, Lighthouse business innovation service, the InnovationConnect grant program, the TradeConnect grant program, CollabIT, the ACT Exporters Network and our funding of ScreenACT; and

(e) notes the Government has undertaken consultation with small and medium businesses in development of a Business Development Strategy;”.

(2) Omit everything after subparagraph (2)(a), substitute:

“(b) continue these Government programs supporting small and medium businesses, including family businesses; and

(3) notes that the Minister for Economic Development has written to the Federal Small Business Minister congratulating the Australian Government on its new Small Business Commissioner, raising issues regarding regulation and compliance for small business and asking for the Government to consider a longitudinal business survey for small and medium businesses.”.

MR SPEAKER: Ms Le Couteur, before you proceed, I think given the nature of the amendments, it might be easier if we deal with Mr Barr’s first and then come to yours. Are you agreeable with that?

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