Page 974 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 21 March 2012

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Mr Seselja: Last night—last night when you saw the motion.

MR BARR: I was writing to the new small business minister who is in the cabinet, Mr Seselja. I do note that the Prime Minister, in fact, launched a major initiative here at a family-owned business, right here in the heart of the CBD. So for all the cynicism of Mr Seselja—

Mr Seselja: When did you write it? Last night?

MR BARR: the government is getting on and doing this work. I was writing to the small business minister anyway. I regularly write to the small business minister, Mr Speaker, in the role—

Mr Seselja: You have said you did it. When did you do it?

MR BARR: I wrote this letter in relation to this particular motion. I had other things to say, but I picked up on the point that Mr Smyth raised in his motion, which is fine. Do you have a problem with that? You were calling on me to do it, Zed.

Mr Seselja: So he has responded then?

MR BARR: Yes, I have. That is what I have just indicated.

Mr Seselja: As long as we have got that clear.

MR BARR: That is what I have just indicated.

MR SPEAKER: All right, thank you, members.

MR BARR: That is what I have just indicated.

MR SPEAKER: All right, thank you.

MR BARR: I wrote to the small business minister and included the suggestions that Mr Smyth raised in his motion. That letter has been sent, Mr Speaker.

Mr Seselja: Well done, Mr Smyth.

MR BARR: Well done, Mr Smyth. Thank you for raising those issues. But I also raised a number of other issues with the federal government. Yes, I know, you shake your head, Mr Speaker. It is one of those moments where, yes, it is the “who touched it first” question that we get so often in this place. But let me be clear. I am very happy to support Mr Smyth’s call in relation to this matter and have, indeed, already acted on the suggestion that he has raised.

Thank you for raising it, Mr Smyth. Thank you very much, Mr Seselja. I acknowledge that Mr Smyth raised the matter in this motion and I have responded to it. Surely you would welcome that rather than seek to score a cheap debating point. But, no, no

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