Page 1026 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 21 March 2012

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I think he is reflecting on the work that this government does to support many in our community. He also went on to say, “The understanding and acceptance of different cultures is something that must be worked on.” In Canberra we have an outstanding example of the National Multicultural Festival, where people from all backgrounds come together for several days of celebration.

I congratulate the people of the ACT for this outstanding result today as we celebrate Harmony Day.

MR HARGREAVES: Supplementary, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Hargreaves.

MR HARGREAVES: My supplementary to the minister is: has the government had any recent discussions with the federal government about the ACT representation on its Multicultural Advisory Council?

MS BURCH: I thank Mr Hargreaves for his ongoing interest in our multicultural community. The issue of the lack of ACT representation on the Australian Multicultural Council is one that I have taken up with various federal ministers in the past on behalf of the ACT government. As a leading jurisdiction in multicultural affairs and as a jurisdiction most accepting of different cultures, according to the results of the recent ABS survey, I believe that we have a lot to contribute to the Australian Multicultural Council. I believe through the strength of our multicultural community we can provide successful settlement and integration.

I wrote to the new federal government Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Senator Kate Lundy—it is probably one of the earlier letters that she received—as recently as 7 March, asking her to give consideration to expanding the council to include representation from the ACT. I am hopeful that, as an ACT resident and elected representative of our city, she will recognise the valuable contribution that we can make.

I also took the opportunity to have the issues raised at the meeting of the standing council on immigration and settlement on 8 March and asked my officials who were representing the government there to bring it to the senator’s attention, which they did.

For the interest of Mr Hargreaves and all in this chamber, I will continue to personally lobby the federal Minister for Multicultural Affairs at every opportunity to make sure that with the next round of appointments we see an ACT representative.

MS BRESNAN: Supplementary.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Ms Bresnan.

MS BRESNAN: Minister, given that Senator Lundy labelled the Greens’ attempts to have a representative appointed as playing politics with multicultural affairs, has the same accusation been levelled against your advocacy for a position on the council?

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