Page 1025 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 21 March 2012

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culturally diverse community groups was also stronger than ever. We can firmly put that down to the government’s forward thinking, remaining at the forefront of changing community perceptions and dynamics, and the strong focus on community with our community partners.

We are also incredibly proud of the association with our community partners, Multicultural Youth Services, Canberra Multicultural Community Forum, the multicultural women’s association, Companion House, and especially the Migrant and Refugee Settlement Services of the ACT. Each of these organisations works closely with the ACT government through the Office of Multicultural and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs. We also created the Muslim Advisory Council at a time when tensions were at a community high. Since its inception in 2006 the council has provided advice and feedback to the government on a range of issues affecting the local Islamic community and has offered solutions to existing and emerging problems.

A most recent achievement of this ACT government would be highlighted in the development and implementation last year of the ACT services access card which makes it easy for asylum seekers to access services that they are entitled to. The feedback has been incredibly positive, with many users commenting that it has improved their lives.

MR SPEAKER: Supplementary, Ms Porter.

MS PORTER: Minister, are you aware of any recent studies on the level of cultural acceptance in the ACT community compared to other jurisdictions?

MS BURCH: I again thank Ms Porter for her question, such a question today as we celebrate Harmony Day. I am aware of a recent survey conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. In its 2010 general social survey the ABS asked about the extent to which adults agreed or disagreed with the statement “it is a good thing for society to be made up of people from different cultures”.

I am pleased, but not surprised, that the ACT recorded the highest proportion of positive responses to the statement. Eighty-seven per cent of Canberrans agreed with the statement compared to the national average of 80 per cent. While 87 per cent of Canberrans believe that it is a good thing for our community to be made up of people from different cultures, this compares with 77 per cent and 76 per cent of Tasmanians and Queenslanders respectively.

The survey found that older age groups were less likely to agree with the statement, reflecting the demographic make-up of Tasmania and Queensland. I am very proud of the ACT government’s leadership in this area and many of the initiatives that have been implemented.

I am also happy to report that one of our community partners, the Canberra Multicultural Community Forum, has hailed the results of this survey in a recent media release, where Mr Wong said: “It is no accident that the ACT is rated so highly. In the ACT we have people from many backgrounds living and working together.”

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