Page 2117 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 21 June 2011

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economy and to ensure that our tax system remains fair. Reform is necessary in the face of our changing population and demographics, our recovery from the global financial crisis and the underlying budget deficit. The need for a fair, efficient and sustainable tax system is particularly relevant in light of the recommendations contained in Australia’s future tax system: report to the Treasurer, also known as the Henry review.

It is timely that the ACT government considers where and how it collects revenue to assist in providing essential services and infrastructure to our community. The Quinlan review already underway is assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of the territory’s taxation system. It is necessary to review and assess how we can improve the current ACT tax system, to ensure a fair and even tax contribution is paid by all members of our community, to ensure revenue certainty, sustainability of the tax base and that Canberrans continue to receive value for money as taxpayers.

The government has already implemented significant reforms to fees and charges, to the change of use charge, or the lease variation system, in order to ensure appropriate returns to the community for the granting of additional development rights. If we gain the support of the Assembly this week to support codification, further changes will come into effect in 2011-12 with a 75 per cent remission in place for the first stage of the implementation plan, is outlined in the 2011-12 budget.

In 2011-12—in August—the government will receive the report of the Quinlan tax review panel, which will provide recommendations and findings on whether ACT taxes are appropriate, equitably and effectively distributed and provide the stability and certainty required to continue to deliver important community services to Canberrans. The government will consider the panel’s recommendations. Social impact assessments will be completed for any reforms proposed and a staged plan for tax reform developed.

A strong presence at the federal government’s 2011 tax summit will see the ACT appropriately placed in Australia’s modernised national tax system. We will work with business to develop a contemporary industry development strategy to support private sector growth in the ACT.

As I have acknowledged, the supply of skilled workers is an important area where the government is providing support for industry, and we will provide additional support for the government’s skilled migration program this year. We will also finalise an educational export sector strategy, which will support further growth in ACT education exports by raising the profile of Canberra as an education destination of choice in overseas markets.

Incorporating input we have received from public exposure of the clean economy discussion paper, we will complete a clean economy strategy by April 2012. Our business sector will also benefit in the next twelve months through the government’s priority work to release land for the development of low cost tourist accommodation. We will also make a further investment to attract more skilled workers to live in the ACT.

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