Page 2116 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 21 June 2011
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particular focus on older persons housing. We will regenerate our public housing stock with a particular emphasis on Northbourne Avenue. We will deliver a record land release program, which will include five and a half thousand dwelling sites. We will progress further new initiatives to support affordable housing.
We will complete a short-term accommodation strategy by December 2011 and progress the most feasible options identified, which may include hostel-style accommodation. We will complete a public housing asset management strategy by December 2012. We will increase student accommodation places by supporting development of accommodation at the University of Canberra and the ANU. We will move forward to provide more sustainable accommodation arrangements for Canberrans living at the Narrabundah long-stay caravan park.
The ACT government has a vision of Canberra as a lifelong learning capital. We know the education sector is one of the largest elements of our economy, and we need to encourage its growth. Tertiary education is undergoing major transformation Australia wide. This transformation will help to maintain a skilled workforce and will continue to provide for a growing number of students, meeting the changing needs of both students and employers.
Earlier this year, the government responded to the recommendations of the ACT tertiary task force’s report, Learning Capital. The target of the recommendations of the task force is a fully integrated tertiary education system, and the government fully supports such an approach. In 2011-12 the government will work to implement the ACT tertiary task force recommendations through: supporting a new strategic body, the tertiary education council, to oversee planning, communication and interactions between tertiary education stakeholders; an agreement on a model for the future of the University of Canberra and CIT; the implementation of vocational education and training reforms, such as targeting investment to meet skill needs, and development of a strategic plan for vocational education and training in schools; an expanded tertiary education role in research, innovation and economic development; and the improved identification of skills.
The ACT government will also continue to support the expansion of our tertiary institutions. We have already approved financial support for the University of Canberra towards the provision of accommodation to attract more international students and to assist building critical mass in the tertiary sector in this city. This project will also be rolled out over the next 12 months.
The ACT economy is a unique economy amongst Australian jurisdictions. Our economy is buffered to some degree by our substantial public sector workforce and by the continuity of business provided by the federal government and, indeed, in recent years, from the ACT government’s own support. Support is required, however, to sustain our local economy, to ensure it remains robust and its growth continues. For example, ensuring that we have the skilled workers that our economy needs is a continuing focus for government. We are also working to strengthen the capacity of our tourism sector in the face of ongoing strong demand for tourist accommodation.
Targeted and considered taxation reform is one of the key tasks currently before the government. Taxation reform is required, both in order to support a strong ACT
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