Page 1717 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 3 May 2011
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The ways in which we communicate with Canberrans about bus routes, frequency and accessibility are being strengthened to improve patronage and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from other forms of transport.
Capital funding of around $20 million is provided for public transport infrastructure, including $3.7 million to upgrade the Woden bus depot, $2.5 million for the forward design of the Northbourne Avenue Transitway, $4.4 million for fuel depots and $1 million for bus stop upgrades. The ACTION radio system is being replaced with $4.5 million in funding being provided.
A primary point of contact for the taxi industry and other stakeholders will be established through funding of $776,000 over four years. Service standards to improve taxi performance will be developed, as well as fare levels and compliance monitored.
Canberra’s walking and cycling infrastructure continues to be enhanced with $1.5 million provided for construction of new cycle ways and shared paths.
Road safety is a paramount concern and the key driver in the Government’s continued investment in maintaining and upgrading roads. The Budget provides $144 million over three years for the Majura Parkway and $5.5 million for intersections in North Weston and West Belconnen.
Funding of $3.3 million over four years is also provided for the enhancement of the Road Transport Authorities’ Computer System.
Community Services
Mr Speaker, Canberra is a compassionate city that cares for its people. This Budget provides additional funding to support those in our community who need additional assistance whether it be through the provision of specialist services, transport, or financial support to meet increasing costs of living pressures.
A progressive city provides practical support for its residents with disabilities, helping them to participate in the economic and social life of the community.
This Budget provides additional emergency accommodation support places for people with disabilities whose natural or formal supports have failed or who need to exit the hospital system.
In response to community need, a specialist, ten place, after school care program and ten place, full time holiday support program for young people with complex behaviours associated with autism and other developmental delays is being established at a cost of $1.7 million over four years.
Existing programs that support school leavers with disabilities are also being expanded, with an additional 15 places available each year for two years with funding of $2.8 million over four years provided.
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