Page 1716 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 3 May 2011

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The Territory depends on a well functioning vocational education and training sector, supported by an effective information system. $1.8 million is also being provided in this Budget to replace the Vocational Education Management System.

The CIT receives $1.2 million to support its expanded footprint of buildings and the increased complexity of its Information Technology systems. Forward Design for a CIT Learning Centre in Tuggeranong is also funded with $700,000.

Municipal Services

Mr Speaker, Canberrans rely on and expect good municipal services. As Canberrans we have a sense of pride in how our city looks and we, as a community like to see it maintained and protected. Mowing the grass, removing our garbage, cleaning our suburbs and maintaining urban amenity is important to all of us.

The ACT Government is working to balance greenfield and infill development, with urban projects that enliven the city and the suburbs. Transport networks assist in creating dynamic urban spaces that optimise the use of existing and new infrastructure.

This Budget allocates $4.3 million to maintaining and sustaining the essential municipal services upon which we rely.

To further improve our city’s amenity, funding of $4.3 million is allocated for the completion of Bunda Street from East Row to Northbourne Avenue and improvements to Veterans Park, Petrie Plaza, City Walk and Civic Carousel.

An additional $7.5 million is allocated to looking after our urban trees and to assist the natural regeneration of Box-Gum woodlands. Canberra boasts the largest urban forest managed by a single jurisdiction in Australia, with over 700,000 trees.

Managing and reducing our waste remains a key challenge. Around $8.4 million in this Budget is directed to problem and stockpiled building waste at West Belconnen Resource Management Centre and to the upgrade of land fill cells to meet environmental standards. A feasibility study into acquiring a new landfill site is also being conducted with $2.8 million allocated.


Fast and reliable public transport is the foundation of a well functioning city.

ACTION requires ongoing investment to ensure it meets commuter needs. This investment is complemented by ongoing efficiencies.

Funding of $21.4 million over four years is invested in making ACTION buses more accessible and effective. Services to Gungahlin and the Inner North, Fyshwick, Kippax and the Canberra Hospital are being improved. A dedicated mini bus will increase transport options for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

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