Page 1711 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 3 May 2011

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The Government’s investment in the city’s coming of age, our Centenary, will further contribute to our economic development, attracting new visitors and will showcase the city and our business potential.

A Centenary Marketing Fund of $1.8 million over three years, for a national Canberra marketing campaign, will further promote our city as the nation’s capital.

Community members and groups can now access funding to assist in the delivery of Centenary events, with just over $1.0 million provided for this purpose.

A Centenary Trail will be constructed for walkers and cyclists featuring the ACT’s iconic sites and notable landmarks through funding of $3.3 million.

The Street Theatre will be extended, with $3.2 million allocated to create a performing arts hub in City West.

The National Arboretum, soon to become an iconic Canberra landmark, receives additional Commonwealth funding of $20 million over four years as a gift to the National Capital for the Centennial year.

Based on the success of “Masterpieces from Paris” an annual “blockbuster” fund of $2 million over two years will assist Canberra’s major cultural institutions acquire large scale exhibitions. The fund will be used to attract increased interstate and international visitors and focus positive national and international attention on the ACT.

Sport and Recreation

Canberra is recognised as an important sporting centre and this brings economic and lifestyle benefits.

The Canberra Stadium is provided $4.3 million in the Budget over four years to host seven games in the 2015 Asian Cup, as well as $2.2 million for the design of improvements to facilities.

$26.3 million is allocated for a 50 metre swimming pool complex at Gungahlin, $2.8 million for future planning and design at Stromlo Forest Park, $2 million for redeveloping Kippax playing fields and $1.1 million for the restoration of Isabella Plains and Charnwood sports grounds. This sees continued investment in local community sport and recreation facilities.

A multi use indoor sporting facility will be constructed at Greenway for community use, with funding of $2.1 million provided. This facility will also house a Men’s Shed.

Housing Affordability

Mr Speaker, there is no doubt that the ACT housing market has performed well over 2010-11, with dwelling commencements and dwelling completions reaching record

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