Page 1710 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 3 May 2011

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in 2013-14, with funding of $124.9 million commencing over the last two years in this Budget. The total investment in the Office Block will be around $432 million, offset by $114 million in asset sales. This is a large project, a significant civic building with a strong commitment from this government to prepare our city for the future.

The Budget also invests $0.150 million for a study into the cost and design of a new office block in Gungahlin for ACT public servants. This will be a significant boost for local jobs in Canberra’s fastest growing region.

The Government Performance and Accountability Framework and the Evaluation Policy is supported through funding of $1.5 million over four years to assist in improving the quality of government service provision.

Training for public servants with disabilities and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders is being continued, along with leadership and management opportunities for other staff through funding of around $1.6 million.

An ACT Public Service Workers’ Compensation and Work Safety Improvement Plan will be developed and implemented through funding of $4.0 million over two years. The Plan will include a new case management model, strengthen the capability of case managers, contribute to a healthy and productive Public Service, and curtail costs.

The Government’s core services depend on reliable and up to date information and communications technology.

Strategic investments are being made by the Government in Information and Communications Technology. This Budget allocates around $35 million to technology projects that will ensure our high service standards are maintained.

Mr Speaker, I now turn to more detail about the Budget initiatives.

Economic Development and the Arts

Economic development is essential to the well being of our city, our livelihoods and our future. It facilitates business opportunities and creates jobs. It promotes confidence, retains and attracts viable businesses and creates an environment where investment flourishes.

This Budget delivers initiatives that will continue our record of being a good place to do business and work. It funds more initiatives that will attract people to Canberra, and improve the city’s reputation as a good place to live.

Skill shortages are being addressed, with the Skilled and Business Migration Program provided with further funding of $1.1 million over four years.

Small companies developing innovative products and services, and commercialisation opportunities are further supported through funding of $1.6 million over four years for the Innovation Connect Program. Advisory services deliver support for high growth potential firms and attract external development finance and this Budget will provide $760,000.

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