Page 6223 - Week 14 - Thursday, 9 December 2010

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Sustainability Advisor will also review plans for compliance with site specific mandatory requirements which are being administered via a bond.

As part of this program the LDA has hosted a series of sustainability information sessions for purchasers in Wright during November 2010 to provide information about the sustainability initiatives and requirements in Wright.

In addition to promoting sustainable house choices via a bond, the LDA is also encouraging early completion of landscaping and energy efficient heating and cooling appliances via a rebate program. This is a pilot program which will be reviewed to determine future approaches.

The encouragement of energy efficient heating and cooling appliances recognises that even with a well designed-home, there are days in the middle of winter where the temperature is below zero and days in the middle of summer where the temperature nears 40 degrees. Therefore, it is expected that most purchasers of these well-designed homes will install appliances to assist during these extremes. The incentive is therefore to aimed persuade people against purchasing appliances that are not energy-efficient.

The current rebate scheme was established following discussions with the MBA, HIA and others. Total rebates up to $6,000 per block are available and of this $1,000 is for reducing the energy consumption associated with heating and cooling systems and the associated energy consumption and emissions.

The sustainable design issues are addressed through a sales contract provision related to the use of the sustainability adviser engaged by the LDA and the individual homes meeting the specified environmental performance through design. Therefore the LDA did not see there was a need for a rebate for this element, as it was effectively being dealt with through the contract and design guidelines, noting the LDA’s approach was aimed at ensuring the outcome at the design stage, rather than assessing the outcome after the event when it may be too late to rectify poor design.

It should be noted that the design related sustainability initiatives in relation to energy being pursued by the LDA in Wright are:

• the Home Sustainability Advisory Service;

• Solar Envelope Guidelines to ensure solar access for standard residential homes

• an estate design that has maximised the solar passivity of all blocks within constraints of topography and major roads alignment; and

• 7 star energy rated multi unit developments.

As indicated earlier the approach being pursued by the LDA has the potential to result in homes generally exceeding minimum standards.

Having a sustainability adviser sign off on development applications in Wright is a new initiative, and the efficacy of the initiative needs be assessed before any decision could be made to extend the initiative across future LDA estate developments.

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