Page 5090 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 26 October 2010

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Proposed new clause 16A

Page 11, line 3—


16AAnnual report by council

(1) For each financial year, the council must prepare a report about the council’s activities during the financial year, including any advice given or recommendations made to the Minister.

(2) The council must give the report to the Minister within 3 months after the end of the financial year.

(3) The Minister must, within 21 days after receiving the report, present to the Legislative Assembly—

(a) the report; and

(b) a statement by the Minister responding to any advice given or recommendations made to the Minister in the council’s annual report.

(4) However, if there are no sitting days during the 21-day period—

(a) the Minister must give the report and the statement, and a copy of each for each member of the Legislative Assembly, to the Speaker; and

(b) the report and the statement are taken for all purposes to have been presented to the Legislative Assembly on the day the Minister gives it to the Speaker (the report day); and

(c) the Speaker must arrange for a copy of the report and a copy of the statement to be given to each member of the Legislative Assembly on the report day; and

(d) despite paragraph (b), the Speaker must present the report and the statement to the Legislative Assembly on the next sitting day.

(5) In this section:

Speaker includes—

(a) if the Speaker is unavailable—the Deputy Speaker; and

(b) if both the Speaker and Deputy Speaker are unavailable—the clerk of the Legislative Assembly.

unavailable—the Speaker or Deputy Speaker is unavailable if—

(a) he or she is absent for duty; or

(b) there is a vacancy in the officer of Speaker or Deputy Speaker.

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