Page 5089 - Week 12 - Tuesday, 26 October 2010

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Proposed new clause 12 (1A)

Page 8, line 6—


(1A) In the exercise of the Minister’s functions, the Minister must, to the greatest extent practicable—

(a) apply the inter-generational equity principle; and

(b) have regard to how measures to address climate change may affect people who are socially or financially disadvantaged; and

(c) engage the community on decisions that relate to climate change.


Clause 12 (2)

Page 8, line 7—


must try to


must, to the greatest extent practicable,


Proposed new clause 12 (3)

Page 8, line 14—


(3) In this section:

the inter-generational equity principle means that the present generation should ensure that the health, diversity and productivity of the environment is maintained or enhanced for the benefit of future generations.


Clause 13 (1)

Page 8, line 16—

omit clause 13 (1), substitute

(1) For each financial year, the Minister must prepare a report on—

(a) the actions the Minister has take during the year in the exercise of the Minister’s functions under the Act; and

(b) the effectiveness of government actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions during the financial year.


Clause 13 (4)

Page 8, line 26—


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