Page 1918 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 5 May 2009

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four years is provided to enhance the Building Housing Partnerships initiative to assist homeless and disadvantaged people and families with living skills and employment.

$292,000 will be provided over four years to provide assistance to people exiting crisis accommodation. Domestic violence victims will benefit from a $100,000 initiative that will support them to remain housed in their home.

We will continue our productive working relationship with the Commonwealth through the A Place to Call Home and the Social Housing National Partnership Agreements with over $7 million in capital funding delivering 40 properties that will provide long-term accommodation for homeless families in the ACT. In addition, up to 300 social housing units will be constructed, and repairs and maintenance will be undertaken on 240 dwellings under the Commonwealth’s Nation Building and Jobs Plan.

Mr Speaker, the Government is committed to engaging with the ACT community, and this Budget provides $968,000 in funding for the Reaching Out to the Community initiative which supports a broader community conversation on issues that affect Canberra’s future.

Our regional community facilities will continue to be progressed with $4.2 million allocated to develop the sites in Cook, Village Creek and Holt.

A suite of initiatives has also been funded to assist people experiencing disadvantage including the ACT Companion Card, the Expanded Flexible Support fund for Carers, and $3 million over four years to assist people with disabilities living in hospital to move into the community for their ongoing care.

$50,000 per annum will be provided to the Migrant and Refugee Settlement Service.

This Government has a proud history of supporting Indigenous Canberrans and this Budget delivers on our key election commitments including $90,000 for Indigenous Traineeships and $200,000 for a professional facilitator for an Indigenous Elected Body.

Older residents in the Tuggeranong area will benefit from $1.5 million over two years for the refurbishment or construction of a seniors’ facility in that area.

Improving Municipal Services

This Government is building a better city through our commitment to delivering quality municipal services and investing in improving our city’s amenities. Through this Budget we are making additional investments in public transport, upgrading cycle paths and improving services throughout the ACT.

We will invest $7.8 million in providing Canberrans with new cycle and foot paths, funding feasibility studies into two additional Park ‘n’ Ride facilities at Erindale and Mitchell and trialling two new cross-town transport services as well as new seats and signage at bus stops.

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