Page 1917 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 5 May 2009

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fighting activities to support the ESA at fires in their local areas. Additional funding of $351,000 over four years will be provided to support the fire units’ operations.

And Neighbourhood Watch will continue its important role within the community though the provision of $84,000 over four years in this Budget.


Mr Speaker, no government can ignore those most vulnerable and children in need of care and protection are perhaps the most vulnerable in any community. In light of continuing increases in demand $11 million has been provided in additional funding to support the growing number children in need of a safe home through the out-of-home care sector. This is an area where this government has consistently responded when increased resourcing is required.

In addition, $2.28 million in funding will be provided for Play Therapy Services for children with a disability, fulfilling a key election commitment. $3.5 million over four years will provide 8 additional speech pathologists and services for young children with high priority needs, meeting another election commitment and addressing a key area of concern within the ACT community for parents of young children with speech disorders.

Childcare and community facilities will be upgraded and refurbished in this Budget with the provision of $815,000 in 2009-10.

A third child and family centre will be built in West Belconnen through a joint Commonwealth and ACT initiative.

Housing, Homelessness and Community services

Mr Speaker, this Government has a proud history of providing services to the most vulnerable in our community and supporting those who need a helping hand. We have made strong investments in support for those experiencing homelessness, public housing, multicultural and Indigenous programs and community services.

This Budget enhances our work in providing services for those experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness.

Access points for homelessness and social housing services are being centralised within ACT Housing.

$1.2 million over four years is being provided to assist people with mental health issues to access and maintain appropriate housing.

This Budget provides $898,000 over four years for community outreach to rough sleepers through the Street to Home initiative which will target rough sleepers and provide outreach and support services to people with the aim of assisting them into safe secure and appropriate long-term accommodation. An additional $948,000 over

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