Page 3273 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 19 August 2008

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The committee’s ninth recommendation is that cat containment be mandatory for the whole Molonglo Valley region. This recommendation is supported. While this is not a matter that can be dealt with through the territory plan variation process, this issue has been referred to TAMS for consideration.

Declaration of new cat containment areas can be implemented by TAMS through a disallowable instrument under the Domestic Animals Act 2000. It should be noted that the declaration will not make the suburbs cat free. Rather, it would mean that domestic cats in the declared cat containment areas would be required to be kept within residential premises or purpose-built cages at all times—that is, 24 hours a day, such as is in effect in the new suburb of Forde.

The committee’s 10th recommendation is that the lake option not proceed unless it receives community support. This recommendation is supported in part. Draft variation 281 does not identify or commit the government to a lake on the Molonglo River or any other stormwater management option. Stormwater management options for Molonglo will be further analysed using a triple-bottom-line assessment approach.

Identifying the level of community support associated with stormwater management options forms a key component of this study. Further, the environmental impact statement ultimately required for the final preferred stormwater management option will include a community consultation component. Additional to identifying community concerns and support associated with stormwater management options, further detailed ecological and economic work will be undertaken prior to any government commitment. There may, however, despite community views, be compelling reasons for pursuing a particular course of action identified through an EIS process.

The committee’s 11th recommendation is that the critical management zone for bushfire protection be located outside the Kama nature reserve. This recommendation is supported. Any buffer zone, such as edge roads, wider verges and appropriate land uses around Kama, including those zones for bushfire control, will be located outside the Kama nature reserve boundaries identified in variation 281. This is specifically stated in the urban development policies of the Molonglo and north Weston structure plan in variation 281.

The committee’s 12th recommendation is that the ACT Planning and Land Authority undertake further assessment of bushfire management planning risks without a lake. This recommendation is supported. Further bushfire risk assessments are required for concept plans and estate development plans and will be consistent with the territory’s strategic bushfire management plan. This is specifically stated in variation 281.

Until the final stormwater management option is identified, bushfire studies associated with land release will not include the lake as part of the assessment. Further, the detailed planning of the river corridor for recreation, stormwater management or open space will be cognisant of the need to provide high-quality bushfire protection for all Molonglo and north Weston residents.

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